
GEM Resources PLC‘s shares are traded the London Stock Exchange Main Market.

The GEM Resources PLC ticker code is GEMR.

Total issued share capital 302,658,090

Total Voting Rights 302,658,090

Percentage issued share capital not in public hands is 36.00%.

To see the latest share price and trades in GEM Resources PLC shares click here.

As at 01 January 2025, as far as the Directors are aware, the following shareholders are Company Directors or interested in 3% or more of the issued share capital of the Company.

Name Number of Ordinary Shares % of Issues Share Capital
African Critical Metals Limited 60,000,000 19.82
Premier Miton Group plc 29,675,000 9.80
Peel Hunt Partnership Limited 16,605,817 5.49
The Bank of New York (Nominees) Limited 15,200,730 5.02
Seguro Nominees Limited 14,562,500 4.81
Puma Nominees Limited 13,030,718 4.31
Mark Horrocks and family interests (Intrinsic Capital LLP) 13,000,000 4.30
Redmayne Nominees Limited 10,844,979 3.58
Hargreaves Lansdown (Nominees) Limited 10,342,802 3.42
Pershing Nominees Limited 9,512,625 3.14
Vidacos Nominees Limited 9,451,356 3.12
Ed Nealon 8,834,615 2.92
Peter Redmond 6,026,281 1.99

Outstanding Warrants and Options

Name Number Expiry Date
Bernard Olivier 8,000,000 1 September 2031
Jeremy Sturgess-Smith 8,000,000 1 September 2031
Peter Redmond 4,000,000 1 September 2031
Placing Warrants 28,875,000 24 February 2024

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